GDAs should foster or advance a solution to a development challenge that is market-based, market-driven, market-oriented or market-informed. Through this collaborative approach, GDAs are intended to leverage capabilities, expertise, networks, and other assets to achieve greater business and development objectives through this partnership. Collaboration under the GDA approach has enabled private sector partners to improve supply chain quality and reliability, expand access to new customer bases and markets, reduce operating costs, improve workforce productivity, increase access to qualified and skilled talent, and enhance the business enabling environment.
The Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) is USAID’s invitation to the private sector to co-create market-driven approaches and activities that advance business success and development impact.
If your company or organization is interested in exploring or developing a GDA, the first step is to contact the Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Point of Contact in your country of interest. The PSE POC will work with you to determine if a GDA is the appropriate way forward. For questions on the GDA approach, please contact